Publications: Publicity, PR and Press

The Communication department

Title: De Communicatie-afdeling,
Subtitle: en de keuze van communicatiemiddelen
Author: S.M. Schroevers
Category: Communication
Language: Dutch
Publisher: Kluwer BV
Year of issue: 2004
ISBN: ISBN 90-130-14968s
Pages: 64
Edition: Paperback
Illustrations: Black-and-white
Other: Imprint Adformatiee

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Table of contents


  1. Part I - The Communication department
    1. Introduction 11
    2. Organisation models 12
    3. Centrally or decentrally? 13
    4. Departmental units 14
    5. Tasks and operations 15
    6. Job specifications in communications 18
    7. Introducing new co-workers 21
    8. External support 22

Part II - Print media 25

Part III - Multimedia 40

Part IV - Other media 46

Part V - Checklists 50

    1. Matrix means of communication 51
    2. Checklist Communication consultancy 52
    3. Checklist advertising agency 53
    4. Checklist print assignments 54
    5. Checklist copywriter 55
    6. Checklist photographer 56
    7. Checklist press photo's 57
    8. Checklist designer 59
    9. Checklist mailings 61
    10. Checklist audiovisuals 62
    11. Price development 63
    12. Bibliography 64
    13. About the author 65

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