Publications: Communication

Step by step guide to interviews

Title: Succesvol interviews geven
Author(s): A. Dogan & S.M. Schroevers
Category: Communication
NUR: 180; 814
Language: Dutch
Publisher: Kluwer BV
Year of issue: 2004
ISBN: 90-13-00571-3
Pages: 67
Edition: Paperback
Illustrations: Black-and-white
Other: Communication-Memo nr. 30

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Practical tips and advice to help preparing for interviews successfully.

Table of contents


Part 1 - General

1. Introduction interviews
2. Questioning technique
3. Structure of interviews
4. Checklist preparations
5. A journalists' preparations
6. Casting
7. Location
8. Journalistic practice
9. Checklist questions beforehand
10. Complaints
11. Interviews in crisis situations

Part 2 - Radio

12. Radio-interviews
13. Checklist radio-interview

Part 3 - Television

14. Television-interviews
15. Five questions to Mr. Gerri Eickhof
16. Checklist television-interview

Part 4 - Print media

17. The written press
18. Capsules for interviews
19. Checklist first contact
20. Telefone interviews
21. Checklist print media
22. Other interviews

About the authors


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