Publikationen: Europäische Kommunikation

E-mails in Englisch

Alle Bausteine einer E-Mail von der Anrede bis zur Grußformel Muster-E-Mails und -sätze für alle Anlässe von der Einladung bis zur Bestellung Mit Infos zu internationaler Etikette, interkulturellen Tipps und allen relevanten Begriffen und Redewendungen Komplett in englischer Sprache!

Haupttitel: E-mails in English
Autor: S.M. Schroevers
Kategorie: Kommunikation
Sprache(n): Deutsch, Englisch
Herausgeber: Haufe Verlag, Freiburg
ISBN: 978-3-448-08815-1
Seitenanzahl: 128
Auflage/Version: 1. Auflage 2008

Um zu bestellen: klicken Sie einfach auf den Link [Bestellformular]



E-mail's anatomy
Subject lines that work
Common salutations and openings
Ending an e-mail
Signatures and disclaimers

E-mail techniques
About CC and BCC
A reader-friendly approach
When to use e-mail and when not?
Structuring the information
Formal or informal?
Netiquette guidelines
How to deal with attachments
Formating E-mail for foreign screens

Common business situations
Requesting information or favours
Travel and equipment enquiries
Giving enquiries
Change of address
Sending agendas and minutes
Refusing a request
Congratulations and season's greetings
Payments and reminders
Delivery and Incoterms
Making offers
Numbers and currency symbols

Practical references
Linguistics characteristics
Linguistic differences: UK-USA
Useful vocabulary and key terms
Abbreviations and acronyms
False friends
E-mail features
Tables and overviews
Electronic guidelines on Internet
Index / Stichwortverzeichnichnis


There is no doubt that e-mail has become the dominant method of communication for people in the workplace. It is keeping us connected to our organisations and bringing us benefits like the ability to communicate over time zones. This TaschenGuide 'E-mails in English' was designed to help you integrate your electronic arsenal more efficiently into your job functions. And although anyone can technically send an e-mail, it tends to get more difficult once it deals with a foreign language. But applying what you read here, will help you create a more productive union between your electronic communication and your inter-national contacts. The paragraphs cover a wide range of business interactions, which are organised into functional sections to provide a quick reference. The material in this TaschenGuide is written to give you the skills you need for effective business e-mails and to build your confidence in a systematic way. It is the authors' hope that you will find in this book encouragement to turn writing into a rewarding activity. Wishing you every success with that. Viel Erfolg dabei wünscht Ihnen Sander Schroevers, ll.m.


Country-specific holidays

Besides the commonly celebrated holidays, most countries have specific local public holidays.

26 January - Australia Day, 25 April - ANZAC Day, second Monday in June - Queen's birthday

24 May - Victoria Day, 1 July - Canada Day, first Monday in September - Labour Day, second Monday in October - Thanksgiving, 11 November - Remembrance Day

England and Wales
7 May - May Day Bank Holiday, 28 May - Spring Bank Holiday, 27 August - Summer Bank Holiday Ireland St. Patrick's Day, first Monday in May, June, August last Monday in October

New Zealand
6 February - Waitangi Day, 25 April - ANZAC Day, first Monday in June - Queen's birthday, fourth Monday in October - Labour Day

Northern Ireland
17 March - St Patrick's Day, 7 May - May Day Bank Holiday, 28 May - Spring Bank Holiday, 12 July - Orangeman's Day, 27 August - Summer Bank Holiday

2 January - 2 January, 7 May - May Day Bank Holiday, 28 May - Spring Bank Holiday, 6 August - Summer Bank Holiday, 30 November - St. Andrew's Day

South Africa
21 March - Human Rights Day, 27 April - Freedom Day, 1 May - Workers' Day, 16 June - Youth Day, 9 August - National Women's Day, 24 September - Heritage Day, 16 December - Day of Reconciliation

United States
Traditionally 30 May - Memorial Day, first Monday in Sep-tember - Labor Day, 4 July - Independence Day - 4th Thursday in November - Thanksgiving Day .


Translated geographical names

Quite some cities in the German speaking area, have different names in English. The list below helps to prevent misunderstandings during a telephone conversation.

Bayern - Bavaria
Braunschweig - Brunswick
Franken - Franconia
Frankfurt am Main - Frankfort
Hannover - Hanover
Koblenz - Coblenz
Köln - Cologne
Luzern - Lucerne
München - Munich
Niedersachsen - Lower Saxony
Nordrhein-Westfalen - North Rhine-Westphalia
Nürnberg - Nuremberg
Preußen - Prussia
Rheinland-Pfalz - Rhineland- Palatinate
Ruhrgebiet - Ruhr River Valley
Sachsen - Saxony
Schwaben - Swabia
Steiermark - Styria
Thüringen - Thuringia
Tirol - Tyrol
Westfalen - Westphalia
Wien - Vienna


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